Leaving Your Pets at Home While on Vacation

Travelling can be a thrilling experience, but for pet owners, it often comes with a pang of guilt and worry about leaving their furry friends behind. We believe that pet owners should be able to take a break and travel without worrying unduly about their pets, so today we’ll talk about what you can do to ease your worries about leaving your pet behind. With the growth of pet ownership, there are, luckily, options available to keep your pets safe and happy in your absence.

Preparing Your Pet for Your Absence

Leaving a pet alone can be stressful for both the pet and the owner (especially breeds like Jack Russell,  Bichon Frise, and Australian Shepherd and are prone to Separation Anxiety). It’s essential to prepare your pet for your absence by gradually getting them used to being alone. Start by leaving them alone for short periods, gradually increasing the time. This helps them adjust and reduces anxiety when you’re away for an extended period.

Creating a comfortable and familiar environment for your pet can also ease their stress. Surround them with their favourite toys, bedding, and items that smell like you. These familiar objects provide comfort and make the environment feel safe.

Choosing the Right Care Option

Pet Sitters

Hiring a professional pet sitter can be an excellent option for many pet owners. Pet sitters offer personalised care and can maintain your pet’s routine, reducing stress and ensuring your pet feels secure. When choosing a pet sitter, check references and arrange meet-and-greets to ensure they’re reliable and a good fit for your pet.

Boarding Facilities

Boarding facilities are another option, offering professional care and socialisation opportunities for pets. However, it’s important to select a reputable facility. Visit the boarding facility beforehand to check cleanliness, staff interaction, and safety measures. These factors ensure your pet will be well-cared for in your absence.

Friends and Family

Leaving pets with trusted friends or family members is another viable option. Provide a detailed care guide and emergency contact list to ensure seamless care. This option can be comforting for both the pet and the owner, knowing the pet is with someone familiar.

Communication and Monitoring

Regular communication with the pet caregiver is crucial. Stay in touch to receive updates on your pet’s well-being. Technology can assist in monitoring your pet while you’re away. Pet cameras and apps allow you to check in on your pet and stay updated on their condition, providing peace of mind.

Emergency Preparedness

Preparing for potential emergencies is essential. Provide the caregiver with veterinary contact information and medical records. It’s also important to have a backup plan in case the primary caregiver becomes unavailable. This ensures your pet will continue to receive care even in unexpected situations.

Packing for Your Pet

Whether your pet is staying at home or at a boarding facility, packing the right items is crucial. Proper preparation ensures your pet will feel comfortable and secure during your absence. Here is a detailed list of items to consider:

Food and Water:

  • Enough Food: Pack enough of your pet’s regular food to last the entire time you will be away. Changing a pet’s diet suddenly can cause digestive issues.
  • Food and Water Bowls: Ensure your pet has their familiar bowls to maintain a sense of normalcy.
  • Feeding Instructions: Write clear feeding instructions, including portion sizes and feeding times.

Medications and Health Supplies:

  • Medications: Pack all necessary medications with clear instructions on dosage and administration times.
  • Health Records: Include your pet’s health records and vaccination history.
  • First Aid Kit: Provide a basic first aid kit tailored to your pet’s needs.

Comfort Items:

  • Favourite Toys: Include a selection of your pet’s favourite toys to keep them entertained and comforted.
  • Bedding: Pack their usual bedding or blankets to provide a sense of familiarity.
  • Clothing Item: Add a piece of your clothing with your scent to offer additional comfort.

Hygiene Supplies:

  • Litter and Litter Box (for cats): Ensure you pack enough litter and a clean litter box.
  • Waste Bags (for dogs): Provide enough waste bags for walks and clean-up.
  • Grooming Supplies: Include brushes, combs, and any other grooming tools your pet may need.

Exercise and Entertainment:

  • Leash and Collar: Include a sturdy leash and collar, and ensure the collar has identification tags with current contact information.
  • Exercise Instructions: Write down any specific exercise routines or playtime preferences.

Special Instructions:

  • Behaviour Quirks: Note any unique behaviours your pet has and how to handle them.
  • Emergency Contacts: Provide a list of emergency contacts, including your veterinarian’s information.
  • Daily Routine: Outline your pet’s daily routine to help the caregiver maintain consistency.

Reassuring Your Pet Before You Leave

Minimising stress for your pet on the day of departure is important. Engage them in a long walk or play session to tire them out. Avoid overly emotional goodbyes, as this can prevent anxiety and help them adjust more easily to your absence.

Enjoying Your Vacation with Peace of Mind

After all the preparations, it’s time to enjoy your vacation. Remind yourself of the thorough preparations you’ve made. While it’ll be impossible to forget about your beloved furbabies, don’t let this spoil your travel experience – if you’ve done everything right, they’ll also be enjoying their own time off! 


Planning and preparation are key to ensuring pets are well cared for in their owner’s absence. With the right approach, pet owners can enjoy their travels with peace of mind, knowing their beloved pets are safe, happy, and comfortable.